Speaker App

  Extending the user journeys we enable the checking in process to be brought on line, to all designated staff, in real time, so important processes such as arrival, authorisation for use of content, & the pre speech run through can be confirmed and logged. With automatic notification if a speaker is late or potentially moves off site. Again all information is updated via a bespoke CMS connected to an organisations' s existing information framework, be that from Salesforce to simple spreadsheets, this information can then be updated in real time right up to and during an event With secure log ins to enable information to be restricted to certain members of staff and even sponsors  all designated individuals can have an up to date understanding of where Both Speakers and VIPs are, their progress through an event and their needs and requirements Thus organisers can also have one app if they wish for VIPS and Speakers  
  • Welcome Functionality through the use of smart badges Speakers VIPs are "seen" as they arrive within 50 m of a user
  • Find Me functionality through use of in house wi-fi and/ or tracking boxes Speakers & VIPs can be located throughout an event
  • Proactive Comments can be shared across users and user groups
    • "Mr Brown has arrived and has asked for a drink when he arrives"
  • Emails sent directly to VIPS with content and information requested
  • Flight Times / Delays for each VIP can be received  in real time.
  • Travel Information located
  • Venue Information Distributed
  • Reports generated of VIP activity throughout their time in an event.